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Millions of people worldwide are affected due to motor vehicle accidents. The number of road accident deaths per day in 2013 was 360 and it increased to 405 in 2017. These numbers translate to 17 road accident deaths occurred per hour and are increasing. Head on collision, hit from back and hit and run are some of the classifications of accidents. The vehicle density (number of vehicles per KM of road) was 1.18 in 1970 and was 41.05 in 2016 and is increasing rapidly. In 2016, ‘hit from back’ contributed to 12.3% of total accidents and it increased to 16.7% in 2017. The constant increase of vehicle density is one of the key factors in increase of ‘hit from back’ type of collision (Road Accidents in India, 2017).
Millions of people worldwide are affected due to motor vehicle accidents. The number of road accident deaths per day in 2013 was 360 and it increased to 405 in 2017. These numbers translate to 17 road accident deaths occurred per hour and are increasing. Head on collision, hit from back and hit and run are some of the classifications of accidents. The vehicle density (number of vehicles per KM of road) was 1.18 in 1970 and was 41.05 in 2016 and is increasing rapidly. In 2016, ‘hit from back’
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Millions of people worldwide are affected due to motor vehicle accidents. The number of road accident deaths per day in 2013 was 360 and it increased to 405 in 2017. These numbers translate to 17 road accident deaths occurred The number of road accident deaths per day in 2013 was 360 and it increased to 405 in 2017. These numbers translate to 17 road accident deaths occurred